5 Reasons to Open a Business in Seychelles


As one of the major financial hubs in Africa, Seychelles has positioned itself as the most popular offshore jurisdiction in the world, known for scaling international businesses and helping large commercial organisations plan their taxes.

The wide choice of company ownership forms and low start-up costs makes this an attractive jurisdiction for many start-ups & SMEs as well.

There are numerous benefits of opening a business in Seychelles, but we have outlined the 5 most notable ones.

Flexible Structures

Business owners have flexibility when structuring the company. In the case of IBCs, there are no limitations on nationalities, no requirements for local directors and you only need one person to act as the director & shareholder (this can be the same person).

When it comes to financial paperwork, there is no tax filing or auditing and your only requirement is to keep your accounting records if you are an IBC who does not earn any income within Seychelles.

AGMs can take place over the phone or by video call.

Privacy & Confidentiality is a priority

As an independent jurisdiction, Seychelles does not share or report information with external countries or companies. So any businesses open in the Seychelles privacy is guaranteed by law. This confidentiality also extends to the protection of personal information for shareholders, other directors and non-beneficial owners.

How is this possible?
Because the country is not subject to the EU Savings Tax Directive, there is no political pressure to disclose information in Seychelles.

Fair Taxation

Undoubtable one of the biggest benefits of incorporating a company in the Seychelles is the lack of taxation thanks to it’s Territorial Tax System – Any income you earn outside of the country is not subject to taxation and it also applies to capital gains, interest and stamp duties on business transactions. 

Political & Economic Stability

It’s a no brainer that the future success of any business is also directly tied to the economic situation of a country and the economic growth of Seychelles has been steadily growing with the government actively focusing on debt reduction to ensure further stability.

Wide selection of Special Solutions

Seychelles offers a wide choice of solutions, to cover specific requirements: Whether you want to set up an insurance company, a crypto exchange, an asset management company or a hedge fund, Seychelles has solutions for you.

With protected cell companies, foundations, trusts and companies with special licenses to name some of them, Seychelles have built a stable and reliable foundation, to go beyond the international business company with an asset holding license.


Our UAE offices are closed from April 8-12, 2024, you may still reach us on +971 4 406 9680 as our team in Seychelles and the Philippines remain at your disposal. Eid Mubarak!


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